Data pre/post processing

netCDF files for initial conditions

The netCDF files have to satisfy the following criteria:

  • should have DIMENSIONS named lon/longitude/LON , lat/latitude/LAT and depth

  • should have VARIABLES named lon/longitude/LON , lat/latitude/LAT and depth

  • lon/lat dimentions should be one dimentional (e.g lon(lon))

  • each variable with initial conditions should have only three dimentions (e.g. temp(depth, lat, lon))

  • The fields should start from 0th meridian and longitudes should have values from 0 to 360

  • the missing values should have values larger than 1e11

The file that would be read potentially without problems can be created with the following python code (variables lat,lon_reshaped, depth, salt_reshaped, temp_reshaped should be prepeared from the original file):

from netCDF4 import Dataset

fw = Dataset('', 'w', )

fw.createDimension('time', 1)
fw.createDimension('lat', lat.shape[0])
fw.createDimension('lon', lon_reshaped.shape[0])
fw.createDimension('depth', depth.shape[0])

latitude  = fw.createVariable('lat', 'd', ('lat',))
latitude[:] = lat[:]

longitude = fw.createVariable('lon', 'd', ('lon',))
longitude[:] = lon_reshaped[:]

ddepth = fw.createVariable('depth', 'd', ('depth',))
ddepth[:] = depth[:]

salinity = fw.createVariable('salt','d', ('depth', 'lat', 'lon'), fill_value= 1e+20)
salinity[:] = salt_reshaped[:]
salinity.missing_value = 1e+20

temperature = fw.createVariable('temp','d', ('depth', 'lat', 'lon'), fill_value= 1e+20)
temperature[:] = temp_reshaped[:]
temperature.missing_value = 1e+20

We will try to provide convertion instructions in the form of jupyter notebooks to all files with initial conditions.

Convert grid to netCDF that CDO understands

We are going to use spheRlab for conversion. You have to have R already installed.

Clone spheRlab:

git clone spheRlab

Build package:

cd spheRlab/
R CMD build spheRlab

Make sure you have cdo installed (cdo -V) and launch R (type R).

Install the package:


If you don’t have netCDF library installed, you also have to do:


Load libraries:


You can get help (for any function) by typing, e.g.:


Define path to the mesh:


Read the grid in to R structure (the arguments rot etc. might be different for different meshes, but this is the standard):

For rotated meshes:

R>grid = sl.grid.readFESOM(griddir=meshpath,rot=TRUE,rot.invert=TRUE,rot.abg=c(50,15,-90))

For unrotated meshes:

R>grid = sl.grid.readFESOM(griddir=meshpath,rot=FALSE,rot.invert=FALSE,rot.abg=c(0,0,0), threeD=FALSE)

Define path to the output file:

R>ofile = paste0(meshpath, "sl.grid.CDO", sep = "")

Directrly write netCDF file with mesh description:

R>sl.grid.writeCDO(grid, ofile=ofile, netcdf=TRUE, depth=FALSE)

Conservative remapping with cdo (interpolate topography to mesh)

$bash> export MESHPATH=/work/ollie/dsidoren/input/fesom2.0/meshes/mesh_CORE2_final/
$bash> export DATAPATH=/work/ollie/dsidoren/ETOPO5/
$bash> cdo remapycon,$MESHPATH/ -selname,topo $DATAPATH $MESHPATH/